Sofa with 2 pillows, left
Sofa with 2 pillows, left -wing, nature, HN1295
Af House Nordic
18.750,- DKK

Kingston Sofa - Sofa med 2 puder, venstrevendt, natur, HN1295

  • Længde: 92/174,5 cm
  • Højde: 69 cm
  • Bredde: 256 cm
  • Sædehøjde: 27 cm
  • Sædedybde: 67-148 cm

Polyester, Skum, Krydsfiner

Sofa with 2 pillows, left -wing, nature, HN1295
Sofa with 2 pillows, left -wing, nature, HN1295
Sofa with 2 pillows, left -wing, nature, HN1295
Sofa with 2 pillows, left -wing, nature, HN1295
Sofa with 2 pillows, left -wing, nature, HN1295