Hynder til Eames DSR DSW DSS-N og DSS stolene

Luxury cushion to Charles Eames DSW, DSR, DSS -N, DSS chairs in - black leather

Regular price
229,00 DKK
Regular price
Sale price
229,00 DKK
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Black luxury leather cushion for the Charles & Ray Eames models DSW, DSR, DSS-N and DSS chairs, which makes the sitting experience more comfortable and at the same time protects the chair. The leather cushion is adapted to the chair and is made with a non-slip leather on the back.

Our luxury cushions are made of semianiline leather, which has a really good seating comfort. Ie. that you still sit comfortably in your furniture, and you still have a comfortable temperature when you sit on the cushion. The cushion is surface treated against dirt and grease stains, so you can easily wipe the cushion off with a damp cloth.

Dimensions: 35.5 x 38 cm, thickness: approx. 1.5 cm.

Flere varianter:
Luksus hynde til Charles Eames DSW, DSR, DSS-N, DSS stolene i sort læder - Hynder til Eames DSR DSW DSS-N og DSS stolene - DesignGaragen.dk